Are you:

1. Bothered by sunlight or glare?

2. Bothered by bright lights or fluorescent lights?

3. Bothered by headlights from oncoming traffic?

4. Bothered by glare off high gloss white paper?

Do you:

5. Adjust the page when reading to eliminate glare?

6. Experience strain or fatigue working or reading under fluorescent lights?

7. Find your performance deteriorates under bright or fluorescent lighting?

8. Experience headaches when in fluorescent lighting?

9. Prefer to read in dim light?

10. Frequently wear sunglasses?

11. Feel like there is not enough light when reading?

12. Find computer screens / electronic device screens bright or glary?

13. Adjust the brightness of the screen on the computer / electronic devices?

14. Find cloudy days bright or glary?

Your response contain errors which are highlighted in red. Please correct them and try again.

You can also download PDF versions of the following Irlen Syndrome questionnaires:

Children's Questionnaire

Teenager's Questionnaire

Adult Questionnaire

Understanding Irlen Syndrome Booklet - dyslexia centre sydney

more info irlen com - Sydney Irlen Dyslexia Centre

AAIC - Sydney Irlen Dyslexia Centre